Alaska is a vast state with a relatively low population. Alaska covers over 400 million acres, which is more than two times the area of Texas. Meanwhile, the population of the state hovers around only 700,000 residents. There are nearly 200 communities across the state, which vary in population from less than 20 to roughly 300,000. The majority of Alaska communities are accessible only by boat or plane. Alaska Native people make up around 15 percent of the population of Alaska.
Like any other state, Alaska has levels of government and land ownership: federal, state, municipal, and city. The passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) in 1971 added an additional layer of land ownership across Alaska. Additionally, in 1998 the federal government officially recognized over 200 Indian tribes in Alaska (entirely separate entities from Alaska Native corporations), which opened the doors for a government-to-government relationships between those tribes and the federal government.
ANCSA divided the state into twelve regions defined by the common heritage and shared interests of the indigenous peoples within each geographic area. The regional boundaries do not represent land owned by the Alaska Native regional corporations; instead, they established which of the twelve Alaska Native regional corporations would serve the people, villages, and communities within that area. Within each region of Alaska there is a complex landscape of governance, land ownership, roles, and relationships. While there is overlap in who the organizations represent, each entity plays a distinct role. Individuals and businesses alike experience the intricate network of Alaska Native regional corporations, Alaska Native village corporations, federally recognized tribes, city and borough governments, and Alaska Native regional non-profit organizations.
The Ahtna Region
Region Location
Southcentral InteriorTotal Size of Region
Approximately 28 million acres
An area roughly the size of Ohio
Number of Residents in Region
3,682Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Ahtna AthabascanAhtna, Incorporated's Mission
Wise stewardship of Ahtna lands and responsible economic growth for future generations of Ahtna people
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Ahtna, Incorporated
Approximately 1.5 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Copper River Native Associationhttps://crnative.org/
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The Aleut Region
Region Location
Aleutian chain and surrounding islandsTotal Size of Region
2 million acres
An area roughly the size of Delaware
Number of Residents in Region
8,500Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Aleut (Unangax)Aleut Corporation's Mission
To maximize dividends and opportunities for our shareholders
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Aleut Corporation
More than 1.5 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Aleutian Pribilof Island Associationhttps://www.apiai.org/
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The Arctic Slope Region
Region Location
North SlopeTotal Size of Region
55-60 million acres
An area roughly the size of Minnesota
Number of Residents in Region
10,000Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
IñupiatASRC's Mission
To actively manage our businesses, our lands and resources, our investments and our relationships to enhance Iñupiaq cultural and economic freedom with continuity, responsibility and integrity
ANCSA conveyed land owned by ASRC
Nearly 5 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Arctic Slope Native Associationhttp://www.arcticslope.org/
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Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
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The Bering Straits Region
Region Location
Seward Peninsula and coastal lands of eastern Norton SoundTotal Size of Region
17 million acres
An area roughly the size New Jersey, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Delaware combined
Number of Residents in Region
9,492Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Inupiaq, Central Yupik, Siberian YupikAlaska Native Regional Corporation
Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC)http://beringstraits.com/
BSNC's Mission
To improve the quality of life of our people through economic development while protecting our land and preserving our culture and heritage
ANCSA conveyed land owned by BSNC
2.1 million acresNumber of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Bristol Bay Region
Region Location
Bristol BayTotal Size of Region
40 million acres
An area roughly the size of Wisconsin
Number of Residents in Region
7,500Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Yupik, Denaina, AlutiiqBBNC's Mission
Enriching our Native way of life
ANCSA conveyed land owned by BBNC
More than 3 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Bristol Bay Native Associationhttps://www.bbna.com/
Number of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Calista Region
Region Location
Yukon-Kuskoskwim River Delta and the Kuskokwim MountainsTotal Size of Region
Approximately 62 million acres
An area roughly the size of Oregon
Number of Residents in Region
More than 29,000Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Yupik, Cupik, AthabaskanCalista Corporation's Mission
Increase shareholder benefits and economic opportunities through innovation, growth, leadership, execution, and financial discipline
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Calista Corporation
Approximately 6.5 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Association of Village Council Presidentshttp://www.avcp.org/
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Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Chugach Region
Region Location
Portions of land on the Kenai Peninsula and the coast of Prince William SoundTotal Size of Region
Approximately 10 million acres
An area roughly the size of Connecticut and Vermont combined
Number of Residents in Region
9,500Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Alutiiq (Sugpiaq), Eyak (Athabascan), TlingitChugach Alaska Corporation's Mission
Committed to profitability, celebration of our heritage, and ownership of our lands
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Chugach Alaska Corporation
928,000 acresNumber of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Cook Inlet Region
Region Location
SouthcentralTotal Size of Region
Approximately 29 million acres
An area roughly the size of Pennsylvania
Number of Residents in Region
459,579Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Athabascan, Iñupiat, Yup'ik, Alutiiq (Sugpiaq) and Aleut (Unangax)CIRI's Mission
To promote the economic and social well-being and Alaska Native heritage of our shareholders, now and into the future, through prudent stewardship of the company resources, while furthering self-sufficiency among CIRI shareholders and their families
ANCSA conveyed land owned by CIRI
Approximately 1.6 million acresNumber of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Doyon Region
Region Location
InteriorTotal Size of Region
Approximately 172 million acres
An area roughly the size of Texas
Number of Residents in Region
86,130Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
AthabascanDoyon, Limited's Mission
To continually enhance our position as a financially strong Native corporation in order to promote the economic and social well-being of our shareholders and future shareholders, to strengthen our Native way of life, and to protect and enhance our land and resources
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Doyon, Limited
12.5 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Tanana Chiefs Conferencehttps://www.tananachiefs.org/
Number of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Koniag Region
Region Location
Kodiak ArchipelagoTotal Size of Region
More than 3 million acres
An area roughly the size of Connecticut
Number of Residents in Region
13,000Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Sugpiaq (Alutiiq)Koniag's Mission
Koniag achieves financial growth, honors our culture, protects our lands, advocates for our communities, and makes a meaningful impact on our Koniag family
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Koniag
Nearly 1 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Kodiak Area Native Associationhttp://kodiakhealthcare.org/
Number of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The NANA Region
Region Location
NorthwestTotal Size of Region
More than 23 million acres
An area roughly to the size of Indiana
Number of Residents in Region
7,684Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
IupiaqNANA's Mission
To improve the quality of life for our people by maximizing economic growth, protecting and enhancing our lands and promoting healthy communities with decisions, actions and behaviors inspired by our Iupiat Ilitqusiat values consistent with our core principles
ANCSA conveyed land owned by NANA
Approximately 2.2 million acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Maniilaq Associationhttps://www.maniilaq.org/
Number of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Communities in Region (i)Learn More
Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
The Sealaska Region
Region Location
SoutheastTotal Size of Region
24 million acres
An area roughly to the size of Indiana
Number of Residents in Region
Approximately 73,000Main Alaska Native Culture(s) in Region
Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, AleutSealaska Corporation's Mission
Sealaska purpose is to strengthen people, culture and homelands
ANCSA conveyed land owned by Sealaska Corporation
360,000 acresName of Alaska Native Regional Non-profit Organization
Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaskahttp://www.ccthita.org/
Number of Village Corporations in Region (i)Learn More
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Number of Federally Recognized Tribes in Region (i)Learn More
Federal Reservation in Region
Annette Island Reserve - Metlakatla Indian Communityhttp://www.metlakatla.com/index.html